Where are you…Writers of Haiku?

Every day I have visits to my web site seeking Haiku images, Haiku poetry, and ‘how to write Haiku’.
So my question is,  ‘where are you, Haiku enthusiasts?’

I know you are lurking out there, wanting to write your own Haiku poetry.  haiku, poets, writing,‘Come out, come out,
haiku, poets, writing, Japanese poetrywherever you are…….and’

send me what you are writing,  let me give you some critique (only if you want it or you are new to this ancient art form)  and then we will publish your Haiku on my blog.

                      Felus Catus  ©New Year, cats,happy wishes  by Trisha Sugarek
Docile pussy cat
curled content in my lap
meekly purrs  for milk

Blur across the floor
wildness hidden behind eyes
so bright with the hunt

A true deceiver
fool her mistress for a treat
hide the wild nature

An original example of Sumi-E brushwork found in haiku poetry, Japanese, Sumi-E artwork, pen and ink, writing

my book of haiku poetry “The World of Haiku” . The ink and brush work is created by different pressures of the brush and color value of your ink. To learn more about how to write haiku and have your own Journal to write your poetry in……. visit my blog: in ‘area of interest box’ type in:  haiku

Wind Horse ©  by Trisha Sugarek

running free, wild, brave
tail streaming high in the wind
hoof pounding the earthHaiku poetry, Japanese poetry, Japanese art,

horses turn their haunch
to show their scorn for the storm
and nature’s tantrum

allows man to think
he can command elegance
and tame the wild heart
Start your month off right!! DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS. INTERVIEWS with other best-selling AUTHORS!      A NEW SERIES, “The Writer’s Corner”

I have had a wonderful response from other authors and will feature an interview once a month . I have invited such luminaries as: Ann Purser, Susan Elia MacNeal, Maya Angelou, Mark Childress, Rhys Bowen, Dean Koontz, Sheryl Woods, Jo-Ann Mapson, Jeffrey Deaver, Elizabeth Gilbert, Amber Winckler, Robert McCammon, Walter Mosley, Nora Roberts, and many others.
So come along with me; we shall sneak into these writers’ special places, be a fly on the wall and watch them create!  Mark Childress is our April author.  Robert McCammon is scheduled for May. Caroline Leavitt is June‘s author.  July features Rhys Bowen.  Sue Grafton is August’s author and September will feature Tasha Alexander.

To receive my posts sign up for my blog, blogs, blogger, writer, author, playwright, books, plays,fiction  Go to the home page; On the right side you’ll see a box where you can enter your email address. Click on “join my blog”. You need to confirm in an email from ‘Writer at Play’ . Thanks!

Horse Image by Lori Smaltz

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