I was devastated to read of Alan Rickman‘s passing. In my opinion he was an actor up there with Lawrence Olivier, Anthony Hopkins, and Dustin Hoffman. Coming from blue-collar, humble beginnings this actor was classically trained and attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. He went on to hone his craft to new heights through his 45 years on stage and in film. I used to joke that “I would watch Alan Rickman eat corn flakes.” Surprisingly, (or maybe not) the obituaries do not mention his more subtle roles.
Sense and Sensibility, and Snow Cakes, for example. Two films not to be missed if you are a true Rickman fan.
I wept knowing that the world will never witness his talent and subtlety; his ‘less is more’, his understated brilliance ever again. His seductively brandy-smooth voice is stilled.
loss © Haiku by Trisha Sugarek
he trod the boards, sure
light illuminates his steps
he’s gone now… is he?
For more details here is the NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/15/obituaries/alan-rickman-dies-at-69.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
‘What desperately sad news about Alan Rickman. A man of such talent, wicked charm & stunning screen & stage presence. He’ll be sorely missed.’ Stephen Fry
I’m glad you posted this, Trish. I also am a huge admirer of this man and his talent, and a light of the stage and screen has certainly gone out. I loved everything I saw him in and am in awe of his ability.