9/11 Remembered!

9/11 Memorial 2024  911.3

We haven’t forgotten that day…we, each, know exactly where we were when that terrible thing happened. That horrific thing that we never imagined could happen here.  I remember I turned on the TV at about 10 that morning, going to catch up on a little news…at first, I thought I was seeing a trailer for an action movie on the screen. Then I tuned my ears in and realized the disbelieving tone to the journalist’s voice, the horror at what we were all watching across our nation. And then the unbelievable on top of the unimaginable, another plane slammed into the second Tower.  

Americans gathered today in NY City, at the Pentagon, D.C., and in Pennsylvania to pay respects to the heroes lost that day. 

9/11 Memorial (2014,)  I’ve been watching those terrible days on TV, relived, from 9/11/2001.  The release of new, sometimes grisly, information about that horrific, bright blue, autumn day when our beloved cou911ntry was invaded for the first time in our history, (if you don’t count the Brits).  Over the years I have written some poetry of my reflections, my heartbreak as I visited ground zero and the firehouses [back in the early days], then observed the almost finished repair a few years back.  It’s pretty for a cemetery.  The building I’m not so fond of the architecture; for me, it resembles a middle finger thrusting into the same blue sky, daring them to try it again?  I don’t know…………so here is my latest offering and a couple from other years on this anniversary of our souls weeping, forever changed.

the  forever wound       (Haiku)

A deep gaping hole
newly covered with scar flesh
a cemetery

the reflective pond
the bright thirteen year old trees
the lost souls still there

the money-men charge
fees to visit our worst time
Ah, America!

Anniversary 9.11.11

I wait to exhale
will terrorists celebrate
with their big loud bang?

walking among us9.11
to celebrate what they did
murder innocence

today, a grief day
remember a bright, fall day
ten short years ago

Ground Zero 9.11.12

Heartache fills the chest
Terrorists murdered thousands
Pain is fresh and new

Haunts walk the gardens
Four hundred trees, firemen all
the fountain of tears

Green leafed trees stand tall
Names carved never to forget
Red, white, blue flies proud

(c) Trisha Sugarek

The question begs:  Have we learned anything?


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One thought on “9/11 Remembered!”

  1. A wonderful tribute and remembrance of a terrible day for us all. I pray there will not be a repeat. I was sitting in the office of the Chair of Orthopedics who had a TV on – and saw the first plane hit the Twin Towers. Then went over to teach a class and class had been dismissed. The students were sitting in the auditorium watching what was going on, on a large screen. You could hear a pin drop.

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