Review ~~ The Forgiving Kind by Donna Everhart

            5 out of 5 stars   ~~   Book Review

From the first page, the reader is captivated by the sultry afternoon in the deep South, the cotton fields, the red earth, and the narrative from one small girl.  
Be prepared to be unable to put this magnificent story down.  Sonny Creech and her family draw you in; sweating as they hoe the fields, worrying about where the next dollar is coming from, putting up with two crass brothers’ antics, and a sudden tragedy that rocks their family.  

The characters are so beautifully drawn by this author; the reader feels they have known them their whole lives.  Mr. Fowler was a superb villain.  I loved to hate him and I was rooting for his downfall, which by the way, wasn’t assured at all.  

I highly recommend this book to my readers. 

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