My Opinion ~~ Serial Numbers…what??

Trump said that it will be easy to round up foreign criminals and illegal immigrants, in America, because the local police know of them and know ‘their serial numbers.’”

What is he talking about ??   

Has Trump been reading Mein Kompf again?  The last time anyone put ‘serial number’ and ‘human being’ in the same sentence was Hitler and the Jews and we all know how that turned out.  

I’ve seen a handful of reports suggesting that Trump opened the door to assigning serial numbers to immigrants, but as I’ve watched the full context of his speech, that’s not quite right. Trump suggested that immigrants already have serial numbers.

What’s more, Trump is under the impression that law enforcement officials at the local level have access to some kind of lists that include both the immigrants’ names and “their serial numbers.”

It’s not a big jump from immigrants ‘being assigned numbers’ to tattooing
their numbers on their arms before they join “the mass deportation” that Trump promises and put them on buses, trains, planes, and trains to where…?  Interment camps?  Who knows?

My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 42 days)

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady
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