My Opinion ~~ There’s One in Every Family

Yes, I have at least one family member (who will remain unnamed) who is a ‘Forever Trumper’.  I know this, but I never give up. Periodically asking her if she’s seen the news lately, and what she thought after the latest gaff out of Trump’s mouth. 
So here’s how it went the other day:

I asked my relative if she had seen the news in the last few days. She is a very independent woman and I was curious to see what she thought about her candidate, after Trump’s position on banning abortion and his comments that day on (His words) “Women will no longer be lonely, afraid and sad. You will be happy. You will be protected. I will be your Protector.” 
Personally, my stomach flipped;  at Trump’s words. I was physically sickened for a second.  
So, I opened the conversation with my relative like this, “Did you watch the news?”
She replied: “No I don’t watch the news, I don’t have time.” 
I next asked, “Are you still voting for Trump?”
My sweet, agreeable relative went from 0 to 60 in a nanosecond.  She replied, raising her voice:  ABSOLUTELY!  I would NEVER vote for that BITCH! She’s a COMMIE! She doesn’t know anything!”
The conversation that I’d hope to have (I never got a word in) devolved into her snapping and snarling at me.  I was talking to a cult-member.  She’d already drunk the Kool aide. It was too late.   

“Hang Mike Pence.” “SO WHAT?”

I quickly and politely said I had to go, said goodbye and hung up. 
My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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