My Opinion ~~ A Traitor in Sheep’s Clothing

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! My silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 

What’s with Trump’s constant ‘bad-mouthing’ our country?  The latest reports of Trump’s traitorous behavior:

During the height of the Pandemic, when hundreds were dying here in our country when no test kits and no ventilators and no cure were the norm for the day, Trump was SECRETLY sending test kits to HIS BUDDIE, PUTIN! 

    The other day Trump was giving a speech to the DETROIT Economy Club when he said, “Well, we’re a developing nation too, just take a look at Detroit. Detroit’s a developing area more than most places in China. Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”  THIS WHILE HE WAS IN DETROIT, SPEAKING TO A LOCAL ORGANIZATION!   When was the last time you heard Trump praise this country? 

Is this the person you want LEADING you and our country?  If yes, I challenge you to watch several different news outlets. Get some true perspective. If you say to me, “I don’t watch the news” then you have no business voting at all because you are UNINFORMED!! 
If your answer is ‘no, you don’t’ then I challenge you to get out there and DO SOMETHING! It doesn’t have to be BIG, do something small, like taking someone with you when you vote or help someone apply for an absentee ballot.  
If your answer is “I don’t know enough about it. I’m not interested in politics”.  Well, You better be!  You’re about to lose some if not all of your freedoms. Trump has promised us that he will be a dictator on day 1.  

Okay, you’re not interest in politics, you’re uninformed, and you’re not going to vote.  BUT, ARE YOU A PATRIOT? DO YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY? DO YOU HAVE A RELATIVE WHO DIED FOR THIS COUINTRY? 

Then you must get informed and then vote. Be a patriot with millions of other Americans and save our FREEDOM!

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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