Writing a prequel: Mother Mac’s Boarding House

I don’t know how an idea comes to other writers, but for this writer a prequel fell into my lap (brain) and I have been typing as fast as I can to get it all down. After friends and fans read Ain’t Nuthin’ Gonna Separate Us, most of them demanded a sequel, NOW!  

But, Marty’s (Mother Mac) ‘back story’ came rushing into my head, down through my fingers, and onto the keyboard. 
What drove her out of her home in Alabama?
Why Laurel, Mississippi?
How did she become a landlady and owner of a
boarding house.
Who are all these characters that have appeared to rent a room from Marty?
How do the Jim Crow laws impact her life every day?
Will the children return?

The research has been particularly fascinating.
Where did colored truck drivers eat? 
Could they get mail from home on the road?
What happens when Marty is up against two white building/health inspectors?
How can she care for a war veteran with PTSD? 
Back in 1950s we certainly didn’t have a name for PTSD. We just thought our brothers, sons and husbands came back home crazy and violent. 

I’ve never written a prequel before and it soon became apparent that I had to tie up threads hanging from the first book. So much fun!
Gotta go! My new book calls! 

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