My Opinion: Trump Dances Through Questions at Town Hall

This is one way to dodge questions that Trump can’t answer. He doesn’t have the mental acuity to intelligently answer random questions he has not rehearsed.  His choice of the song, ‘Ava Maria’ suggests Trump has a Jesus complex.  

It might have been a fun music fest if ONLY the MAN COULD  DANCE!


Later, he was quoted saying, all in one breath, “Lincoln (the President) could have negotiated with the South and avoided the Civil War…Ca-mal-la Harris will ban your cows…Harvey Weinstein got schlonged hard…he got schlonged so bad…” (schlong: noun, Hebrew, vulgar, slang for penis.) 

Never used as a verb, did Trump mean Weinstein, the most flagrant sexual predator of our time, got f**ked? Dicked over by the court system?  And Trump is expressing empathy for him?!

This thin-skinned man-baby, authoritarian bully went on to say, “Jan. 6 was a day of love”,WE didn’t have guns, they.. the others had guns” “Nobody got killed”


See the AR-15 in the center of pic?

FACT CHECK:  Trump’s supporters on Jan. 6
 HAD GUNS. Police radio recordings reports that at least two AR-15 rifles were spotted in the crowd of supporters  hanging from trees and later marching to the capital. “Glocks in the waistbands of two men in the trees” at the rally.
“The others…” who had guns were law enforcement. 

FACT CHECK: (Trump) “Nobody got killed.” One rioter, Ashli Babbitt, was killed when she tried to breach the barricaded doors to the Chamber of the House.  One police officer (Brian Sicknick) died of his injuries by rioters.  Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot. At least SIX deaths occurred as a direct result of the insurrection.  
Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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