When Writing is HOT!

Dear Readers/Writers,
Since my last posting on Jan. 4th, I’ve rarely left my keyboard, each day, from 9 a.m. to sometimes as late as 6 p.m. I’ve rounded the bend with 62,000 words to date and still writing. It would be more accurate to say I am taking dictation from all the characters in my new story. 
A Senior reviewer, D. Donovan, at Midwest Book Review, whom I’ve known for years, was willing to review the new book in a raw, very rough first draft so that I could glean a couple of ‘blurbs’ for the book’s cover. 
 I’m certainly happy I asked. Well, all I can say is Wow!

Mother Mac’s Boarding House is an exquisite read....”  and

Additionally, the political and social milieu of the times, which passed many restrictive rules on African Americans, comes to life in the light of personal experience. This is a far more intimate, compelling manner of absorbing civil rights and American history than any nonfiction text could achieve, immersing readers in the life of Marty’s journey….”

You’ve often ‘heard’ me describe the event where I write in my head ’till it needs to spill out (no more room) and that my characters take over their own stories and I become merely the typist. 

No, it doesn’t happen every time but when it does happen, I consider it the proverbial, “gift horse” and I’m not about to ignore it. 

As this is a prequel to Ain’t Nuthin’ Gonna Separate Us, I’ve had to work backwards weaving the dates of that book with this one while being true to the dates of documented American history. I’ve found it to be a challenge.

Just remember, your emerging characters can tell the story far better than you, the Author, can. 

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Writing a prequel: Mother Mac’s Boarding House

I don’t know how an idea comes to other writers, but for this writer a prequel fell into my lap (brain) and I have been typing as fast as I can to get it all down. After friends and fans read Ain’t Nuthin’ Gonna Separate Us, most of them demanded a sequel, NOW!  

But, Marty’s (Mother Mac) ‘back story’ came rushing into my head, down through my fingers, and onto the keyboard. 
What drove her out of her home in Alabama?
Why Laurel, Mississippi?
How did she become a landlady and owner of a
boarding house.
Who are all these characters that have appeared to rent a room from Marty?
How do the Jim Crow laws impact her life every day?
Will the children return?

The research has been particularly fascinating.
Where did colored truck drivers eat? 
Could they get mail from home on the road?
What happens when Marty is up against two white building/health inspectors?
How can she care for a war veteran with PTSD? 
Back in 1950s we certainly didn’t have a name for PTSD. We just thought our brothers, sons and husbands came back home crazy and violent. 

I’ve never written a prequel before and it soon became apparent that I had to tie up threads hanging from the first book. So much fun!
Gotta go! My new book calls! 

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Radiant Verses ~ An anthology ~~ Book Review

5 out of 5 stars ~~ BOOK REVIEW

This newly released anthology celebrates exquisite poetry by poets from around the globe.  Compiled by the editors at PoetrySoup.com, the collection features, Free Verse, Rhymes, Sonnets, Haiku, and lovely ‘little’ stories (Prose) . 
“…Each verse serves as a beacon of light, illuminating our shared experiences and aspirations and urging us to embrace the brighter side of life…”



The pages are randomly sprinkled with beautiful original illustrations that compliment the stirring and uplifting poems. 




This book is a ‘must-have’ addition to your permanent library or a wonderful gift as the holidays approach. 

My one and only critique is with regard to formatting. While I do understand the lack of ‘hard’ page breaks for each poem and the desire to feature as many poems as possible,  I don’t understand the editors foregoing of the title and author on the spine and the lack of any promo or synopsis on the back cover. Two marketing opportunities missed.  

A Writer’s Take ~~ www.writeratplay.com

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Life, Loss, and Puffins ~~ Book Review

Life, Loss, and Puffins by Catherine Ryan Hyde is beyond profound. It is a story and a philosophy of life all rolled into one glorious novel.  This reviewer had to read it twice, it is so DELICIOUS!  

Two ‘throw-away’ kids seek their own path. Brave enough, even though Ru is very young and ‘freakishly smart’ and Gabriel wears eyeliner and nail polish, they navigate a harsh world to follow a dream…to see, in person, the Aroura Borealis.  Driving from California to the Arctic Ocean with hardly enough gas money, much less food and lodging … the trip is no easy feat.  And as they drive they form an unbreakable bond, or so Ru believes.  

I recommend readers find a quiet space, a warm drink at hand, and their

 COMPLETE ATTENTION. This is no ‘puff piece’. It delves into what we as humane beings, might believe or not believe. It will draw you in like a wisp of smoke until you are caught and then evaluating your own beliefs. But, please, don’t be put off by this….it’s a  charming, heartwarming, lovely story that you will love! 

Did you miss my interview with Catherine Ryan Hyde?

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New Short Play ~~ ‘Our Hands Are Tied’

Jumping right off the pages of today’s news.  This powerful, short play tells the story of one couple’s struggles to keep a wanted pregnancy.  Joe stands helplessly by as his wife miscarries and healthcare providers can do nothing until she is near death’s door. 
3f. 2m. 

Available now at your favorite store or 



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My Opinion


Be careful what you wish for….

                you may just get it. 

Haiku Honored at PoetrySoup.com

Dear Trisha,

Congratulations, this is just a quick notice to let you know that your poem The Blues is one of the poems being featured on the PoetrySoup home page this week. Poems are rotated each day in groups of 14-16 to give each poem an equal opportunity to be displayed.

Thanks again and congratulations.



Link to poetry

Review ~~ The Forgiving Kind by Donna Everhart

            5 out of 5 stars   ~~   Book Review

From the first page, the reader is captivated by the sultry afternoon in the deep South, the cotton fields, the red earth, and the narrative from one small girl.  
Be prepared to be unable to put this magnificent story down.  Sonny Creech and her family draw you in; sweating as they hoe the fields, worrying about where the next dollar is coming from, putting up with two crass brothers’ antics, and a sudden tragedy that rocks their family.  

The characters are so beautifully drawn by this author; the reader feels they have known them their whole lives.  Mr. Fowler was a superb villain.  I loved to hate him and I was rooting for his downfall, which by the way, wasn’t assured at all.  

I highly recommend this book to my readers. 

Did you miss my interview with Donna Everhart?

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9/11 Remembered!

9/11 Memorial 2024  911.3

We haven’t forgotten that day…we, each, know exactly where we were when that terrible thing happened. That horrific thing that we never imagined could happen here.  I remember I turned on the TV at about 10 that morning, going to catch up on a little news…at first, I thought I was seeing a trailer for an action movie on the screen. Then I tuned my ears in and realized the disbelieving tone to the journalist’s voice, the horror at what we were all watching across our nation. And then the unbelievable on top of the unimaginable, another plane slammed into the second Tower.  

Americans gathered today in NY City, at the Pentagon, D.C., and in Pennsylvania to pay respects to the heroes lost that day. 

9/11 Memorial (2014,)  I’ve been watching those terrible days on TV, relived, from 9/11/2001.  The release of new, sometimes grisly, information about that horrific, bright blue, autumn day when our beloved cou911ntry was invaded for the first time in our history, (if you don’t count the Brits).  Over the years I have written some poetry of my reflections, my heartbreak as I visited ground zero and the firehouses [back in the early days], then observed the almost finished repair a few years back.  It’s pretty for a cemetery.  The building I’m not so fond of the architecture; for me, it resembles a middle finger thrusting into the same blue sky, daring them to try it again?  I don’t know…………so here is my latest offering and a couple from other years on this anniversary of our souls weeping, forever changed.

the  forever wound       (Haiku)

A deep gaping hole
newly covered with scar flesh
a cemetery

the reflective pond
the bright thirteen year old trees
the lost souls still there

the money-men charge
fees to visit our worst time
Ah, America!

Anniversary 9.11.11

I wait to exhale
will terrorists celebrate
with their big loud bang?

walking among us9.11
to celebrate what they did
murder innocence

today, a grief day
remember a bright, fall day
ten short years ago

Ground Zero 9.11.12

Heartache fills the chest
Terrorists murdered thousands
Pain is fresh and new

Haunts walk the gardens
Four hundred trees, firemen all
the fountain of tears

Green leafed trees stand tall
Names carved never to forget
Red, white, blue flies proud

(c) Trisha Sugarek

The question begs:  Have we learned anything?


In addition to my twice weekly blog I also feature an interview with another author once a month. So come along with me; we shall sneak into these writers’ special places, be a fly on the wall and watch them create!    

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Writers supporting Writers. (Really?)

Dear Readers and fellow-writers,  I have received wonderful reviews for Ain’t Nuthin’ Gonna Separate Us  and I am so grateful for the support.

However, one well-known author, who will remain unnamed here, chose not to support her fellow writer (me) after, literally, years of my supporting her work. She cited the reason was, she objected to the language I used when relating to black folk.  She seemed to forget my historical novel takes place in the early 1950’s. When language was far different than what is acceptable and respectful today.  
Trust me, I researched it heavily and then asked some of my African-American friends to be beta readers and their feedback was favorable. In the end, I tried my best to write a thoughtful and true depiction of the deep South in the 50’s.   

Here’s what others thought of my new story:

“What a wonderful coming-of-age story. In Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Separate Us both Hannah Mae and Jerry will grab hold of your heart and not let go, long after their story has ended.” Kathleen Grissom, author of The Kitchen House

“Sugarek’s outstanding, realistic portrait of the 1950s South and the forces that buffet two children reaching for more than rote safety creates a memorable tale. It will reach a wide audience, from those interested in Southern settings and portraits to readers of coming-of-age stories and sagas of survival, musical growth, and foster care struggles.” ~ Diane Donovan, Sr. Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

“The story is very well written, including the poetic moments in the language that gives the narrator a meaningful and convincing voice.” An Educator, Pace University

“Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Separate Us is a vivid and powerful coming-of-age story that is both compelling and uplifting. I loved it – I couldn’t put it down – I love Sugarek’s writing.” ~~ Donna Ashcroft, author of Christmas in the Scottish Highlands

“A yummy read.” Atia, about Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Separate Us

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