I stumbled across this wonderful graphic (by Sudio Sudarsan) of a ‘writer’s ice berg’. Not many people, aside from we who write, know this world. It’s lonely, scary, humiliating, and painful. It’s also uplifting, soul filling, mind stretching and wonderful.
I count myself the luckiest of women that I developed my craft and didn’t give up when people said, ‘no’. I am the most fortunate of writers to have realized that the process has to be planted in good soil, watered, and given lots of sunshine. Even when I am writing from a dark place.
We writers should never sit back and say, ‘I have arrived. I don’t need to grow anymore. I am at the top of my game.’ If you’ve read any of my interviews with really famous authors, they aren’t smug….far from it…they are striving to be better just like you and I are. Continue reading “Beneath the Surface of a Writer’s Life”