It’s Charles Bukowski month!!! No secret. I am in love with the guy’s raw, tell it like it is, writing. So here’s a work of his and a work of mine. I’m fully aware that my scribbles should not be on the same page or in the same room as this great writer…….(so please don’t write me) I am just sharing a frame of mind. I believe that if you lay down with dogs you get fleas. If you read great writers, just maybe some of their brilliance will rub off or teach you something.
Try your hand; there are no fast and hard rules to poetry anymore…at least none that I pay attention to. (and I’m in good company with this sentiment) It’s far more important that you write your thoughts down. Bukowski believed that too. He couldn’t have cared less what his critics thought….no pentameter? no rhyme? So What!!??
The whale sings
and I weep,
The world groans
and I ache,
The wind gusts
and I bend,
The surf sighs
and I rage,
The babe cries
and I mourn,
The mountains shift
and I flinch,
The ebony sun melts
and I rail,
The earth dies
and I wear black. T.Sugarek
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