So I’m currently working on Book 5 in the series, The World of Murder. The Taste of Murder takes place in and around the Food Network and cooking shows.
My two detectives, O’Roarke and Garcia are waiting for the elevator to take them down to the lobby at the Food Network studios. And who walks off the elevator but Arnold Miller, Broadway star… and one of my characters from The Act of Murder.
I stared at my screen for a second and, even though I was alone in my studio, asked aloud, ‘Arnold, what are you doing in this book?’ I got no answer of course so decided to see where Arnold would lead me. My readers know by now that I am a staunch believer that at some point the story takes over and the writer goes along for the ride….we become the typist. So why was I surprised when Arnold rushed out of an elevator and almost mowed down my two murder cops? Well, it turns out that Arnold knew my victim and his lover. He really filled our ear with all the latest gossip!