How did God know that we would need a companion who would unfailingly soften the hard edges of life that is a human’s path? Unlike any other animal, or for that matter, person, a dog just knows…and comforts its humans when sad, in poor health or just needing a good laugh. We talk about their devotion and unconditional love because that’s what we experience when we have a dog as a friend. We reach out and there’s always a silky head to stroke. We come home and they act like we’ve been gone for years. In the lonely night they snuggle against us because that’s what we need in the dark hours.
Rocky…..A golden retriever picked up wandering the mean streets of Aransas Pass, Texas. Estimated age, 18 months…a pup really. A rescue volunteer group called me to see if I could adopt him. Of course I could; at the time I had 5 acres, stock fenced. He was a hellion with little manners but house broken and so willing to please me.
At the time, my property had a barn and out under a shade tree, an oval shaped, tin, watering trough about 3 feet deep. One of Rocky’s favorite pass times was to crawl over the lip of the trough Continue reading “A Dog’s Life…..(short story)”