My Opinion ~~ The King is Insane!

  My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 52 days)

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Fact check #1:   During recorded history, many world leaders, including many reigning kings and queens were INSANE while on the throne or in the seat of power.  Some notable examples include Caligula of Rome, Henry VI of England, Joanna of Castile, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, Erik XIV of Sweden, Ludwig II of Bavaria, Queen Maria of Portugal, and most famously, George III of England.

Eighteen (49%) US Presidents met the criteria for some form of psychiatric disorder.  Shocking! Not one was removed from office. 

Historically, corrupt enablers and sycophants covered for the leader, ran the countries and propped up the diminished heads of state in public when and where it was needed.  The INSANE or diminished leader could be suffering from early dementia, or insane from the late stages of syphilis (King Henry VI of England, King Charles VIII of France, & Ivan, the Terrible of Russia)  or from the in-breeding of the royals across Europe.  
The royal courts (Mar-a-Lago) were stuffed with panderers; petting,

 praising and stroking the ego of the ranting King or President. 

Does all this SOUND FAMILIAR?

Fact check #2:  How can the EX-President hound, badger, threaten, stalk, and deport immigrants, with a straight face? HE is MARRIED to an IMMIGRANT? HIS parents-in-law are IMMIGRANTS. HIS SON is the SON of an IMMIGRANT!    Hypocrite!!

I guess “white” immigrants are immune from his racist and ignorant opinions. Immune from his  persecution of black and brown IMMIGRANTS.  He’s wished out loud that the US would receive immigrants from Norway. 
So it’s not about “illegal immigrants” but rather, it’s that they are brown or black or yellow.

Poor Donald!  In spite of all of his efforts, he just can’t seem to get AWAY from all these BLACK and BROWN WOMEN

Love and hope,New Year, cats,happy wishes
                            Childless Cat Lady
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